Demag Cranes
Artist / Artwork
Everything flows
Everything is in constant motion on planet earth. The philosophers in ancient Greece recognized this and summarized this knowledge in the formula "Panta Rhei" - "Everything flows". A motto that could also be applied very well to one of the world's leading suppliers of industrial cranes and technologies for port automation, the Demag Cranes in Düsseldorf. In order to visualize this, the constantly expanding group had its headquarters equipped with various works of art by Samuelis Baumgarte Art Consulting. Underneath in the boardroom is a multi-layered sculptural relief by the renowned New York-based artist Thomas Eller entitled "Work".
In this work, too, people keep the crowd moving. Steel girders can be identified, which are not least moved with the help of a crane. The Käthe Kollwitz Prize winner Eller himself encounters the attentive observer. But what exactly the goal of these scenes from the world of work is, which houses, halls or even bridges are currently being built, is left to the imagination of the viewer. A work of art that casts a spell over passers-by.